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Dialog with EZ Print Tracker programmer

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Entah kenapa ada keisengan dr gw utk ngirim email ke programmer EZ tracker sekedar ngabarin bahwa programnya udah bisa gw crack :)
Wew, sombongkah? just a little... :p

berikut ini dialog by email between me and him:
First, I got replied from "Tom" who developed the software:

Dear XXX,

Could you let us know how we can make it harder to be cracked based on
your experience? Where did you crack it in our software?


Your CZ Team

CZ Solution - a print management solution provider

XXX wrote:
I'm so sorry, i wanted let you know that I cracked your software by myself.
But i will not spread the crack, just for myself.

please kindly to upgrade the protection of your software to make it
harder to be cracked.

Thanks for let me have your great software :)


Next replied from him:

Dear XXX,

Could you let us know if our software is cracked by recompiling the code
or creating your own license key? We need your direction to make our
software harder to to be cracked.

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.


Your CZ Team

CZ Solution - a print management solution provider

Next replied:

Dear XXX,

Can you send that tutorial movie to me or I can download it?

I also install OllyDGB, but I can't find the string "registered,
premium, license? How can you see it in OllyDGB?



Your CZ Team

CZ Solution - a print management solution provider

XXX wrote:
Hi Tom,

actually i'm not a cracker, i just a newbie in cracking world. but
unfortunately, i can crack your software.
i have created a tutorial movie to crack your software but it was in
Indonesian version. i know you dont understand my language at all. but
it's ok.

Let me explain to you about the security holes on your software.

1. The software does not packed by any packer ie UPX, aspack, or others.
try to find it by yourself or ask google about it.
2. I used OllyDGB to debug your software and not recompiling your code,
even i can do it.
3. By Using OllyDGB, your software is too easy to find all the strings
like: registered, premium, license etc.
4. base on the information from point 3, i can trace 1 by 1 the
instruction/CALL in the routine program. and then made change on 1 (only
1) point to get the PREMIUM LICENSE (UNLIMITED computers,user, printer
server and agents).

Why i explain this to you? Just to make you aware and make some change
to make your software become harder and harder to be cracked!

Before I did, some crackers from overseas also did it. but i did it with
my own brain without any information from other people or other book :)

Good Day bro and Regards,

* Sorry for my bad english!

Next replied:

Dear XXX,

We got the string showing premium, license or register etc... Thanks for
the hint.

Could you send us the PrintSaver.exe file you cracked, so we can make
testing here to check if it is really cracked?


Your CZ Team

CZ Solution - a print management solution provider

Next Replied:

Thanks for the files.

Do you think if we hide the string, it is helpful to anti-crack the
software? We would like to get your opinion. Thanks.


Your CZ Team

CZ Solution - a print management solution provider

XXX wrote:
As my promise, here are the links:

1. Tutorial:
2. Cracked file:

Please let me know if the cracked one is not working at you :)

and also, could you please let me know once you have patched your
product? ;)


next replied:


I used Themida to pack the exe file as you suggested.

Could you download it at and
check if it can be cracked?

Please let me know. Thanks.


Your CZ Team

CZ Solution - a print management solution provider

Akhirnya dia pake THEMIDA walaupun masih yg trial. seperti yg udah gw duga, gw nyerah disini wakakakka... :)

Segitu dulu aja deh sharing pengalaman dengan programmer yg softnya gw crack :)


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