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How to patch Print Tracker v5

Friday, February 20, 2009

Assalamu 'alaikum...

Masih tentang software printing tracking, kali ini yg jadi sasaran adalah software Print Tracker buatan Omalan (

Sekilas Info:
Gain control over your organizations print usage
# Audit each department in your organization to compare print usage between the different departments.
# Track their progress from the previous month or same month last year.
# Use detail reports to find out the document titles of the print jobs sent to the printer
# Create special groups for auditing purposes, or use the included groups which use domain global groups for easy report generation.
# Set up printers in both high-quality and econo-mode and track the usage of the same printer in both modes. Give incentives or recognition to those who print to the econo-mode printer.
# Track each printer separately and charge back more for certain printers (ie large printers and color printers)
# It's good to track print usage for at least a month before letting your users know, so you can see the effectiveness of simply letting them know you are tracking their usage, or of charging each department back for each page printed.

Programnya bisa di download di:

Tutorial utk cracking bisa didownload di:

Thanks to All Indonesian Reverser!



Anonymous said...

nambah terus ilmunya..........
Hebat banget om pitung.

Anonymous said...

bos pitung lagi kejar point di I.U.G ya ?

1. Tutorial patching Panzhano Karaoke Player V3.0
2. Tutorial patching Maitri Trading Explorer v2007.00193 rev219
3. Tutorial lagi.. patching Billing Express 2009
4. Tutorial Patching CZ Print Job Tracker V4

Pitung said...

^ wakakaka, ngejer point sih mungkin kalah bro, kan baru bisa ngasih 4 :)
Ini cuma buat ngeramein blog aja. maklum masih baru main2 ama blog, masih hobby. ntar2 jg jenuh dgn sendirinya. Thanks for coming ya bro!

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